Insurance & What Do You Mean the House is Toast? (Episode 67) S5 E7

Insurance protects you from loss. But what does the Utah Real Estate Purchase Contract (REPC) say about insurance and risk of loss during the purchase period?

Spoiler: It says the seller pays.

0:00 – Introduction

1:30 – Insurance will cover it. Does the buyer have to have insurance? Only if they are using a lender. The seller has to cover loss during the purchase period.

2:30 – 10% loss. This is why you don’t let the buyers move in early. All damages covered by the seller. If the damage is more than 10% of the purchase price…either party can elect to drop out of the contract.

3:21 – Story time with Aric.

4:34 – Hypothetical Situation: Italian Bobcat Fur Flooring. All repairs are on the seller. Letter of the contract – if it’s under the 10% par, they cannot exit the contract. The buyer will keep looking in the contract, and they’ll find section 11 – that the property is “as represented”. And that’s why earnest money keeps the contract alive. In the ender, you’re either going to negotiate or litigate.

9:59 – Acts of Terrorism. Not covered.

10:16 – What’d we learn today?

12:24 – Bloopers.

* No Italian bobcats were harmed in the making of this video.

Please contact us to tell us you love us, you want to hire us! Call or text:

Realtors with Hive Collective at Presidio Real Estate:

Tyler Cazier: 801-210-0230

Aric Wiszt: 801-228-7687

Lender with Elite Team at Security Home Mortgage:

NMLS: 178787

Jason Christiansen: 801-669-7271

NMLS: 240472

A Production with Security Home Mortgage’s Jason Christiansen, and Hive Collective at Presidio’s Tyler Cazier and “Mr. Suit” Aric Wiszt.

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