
Let’s make some money!

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You came to this page because you spoke with one of our people, or scanned a QR code that was cleverly placed; and you’re interested in the opportunity you heard about.

We work on several projects. Here are the projects we’re putting together right now.

The details are enough to tell you about the investment, but we hold on to where it is, and the exact nature of the project until we have an agreement with you β€” we’ve been burned by skunk investors that learn about our project…then steal it. You will sign a Straightforward Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to learn more about the investment.

Toquerville Airbnb Resort

The property currently consists of one 3,500 sqft home that will start Airbnb within 60 days @ $8,000 / month estimated. After that, there are 11.5 acres that will develop into 16 – 18 half-acre lots (or 26 – 28 third-acre lots). We will be contracted with a Nightly Rental Marketing Specialist that will have discounted rates for the subdivision.

11.5 acres in Toquerville, UT.The new highway and third-party resort development guarantee this property will appreciate value quickly.

Area Value

  • Easy access to multiple national parks and state lands
  • One of the hottest growing areas in the world – named as one of the top natural sites to visit in the world.
  • There is a large development and resort being built behind this propertyΒ 
  • There is a new highway being built as well
  • Massive expansion in the area
  • Airbnb rates are comparatively high with high booking rates
    • Several properties comparable to our target are 100% booked for 3-4 months. They have a 90-120 waiting list. That’s EXCELLENT demand.
  • Utilities are at the property edge

Phase 1: Acquisition

  • 11.5 acres in Toquerille, UT
  • $1.4 million acquisition cost

Phase 2: Develop to Paper

  • 12 – 18 months to develop lots to paper
  • Parcel each lot and stretch utilities
  • Additional funds will be required

Phase 3: Build

  • 18 – 36 months to build phase one
  • Each lot will have a single family home (SFH) with built in over-garage mother-in-law (MIL) apartment designed specifically for Airbnb.
  • Nightly rental specialist at a discount rate for the first 6 months with the purchase of the home

What We’re Dreaming Of

  • We’re looking for an investor to purchase the property and have a 3% return annually until the development reached paper and either reinvest to build or sell out.
  • In addition to the 3% return, there would be 15% equity in the project. Or, we could do a 0% return annually and have a 25% equity in the project.Β 

“Wait!” you say. “I want to learn more!” Ok. Scroll down a bit, and you’ll see a form there β€” tell us why you’re the perfect fit for this investment.

Who We Are

You can learn about us in the bios at You can see us in action on our YouTube channel. Basically, we’re a couple of real estate agents with our ear to the ground when it comes to investing, and a mortgage lender that knows how to finagle financing on any deal. We also know key players in every industry in every market in Utah.

In terms of this deal, we administer the transaction. That is, we find the property, figure out how to get it purchased or sold, impose a vision for the property, and provide a path for getting it financed. We handle paperwork. We handle deadlines and administrative functions. We also deal with the legal ramifications and liabilities. It’s concierge investing.

Who Are You?

We work with new investors as well as pros. We love making money with friends. Tell us a little about yourself:

Selected Value: 1

Closed Investment Opportunities

<20 Unit Apartment Complex


This is an opportunity to purchase, operate, and rehab a small apartment complex. After capital repairs and appreciation, the property will be worth over $3.1 Million. We anticipate a 5-year timeline. We’re putting together a team of approximately 10 investors with a minimum of $100,000 entry.

Purchase Price$2.5 Million – $2.8 Million
Cash to Acquire (30%)$750,000 – $840,000
Cash to Rehab$250,000
Total Cash In$1.0 Million – $1.14 Million
Investment Team~10 Members
Minimum Investment$100,000.
Building ClassC*
Property TypeMultifamily, Apartment, Low Rise
Cap Rate5.10%
Anticipated Proceeds**5.10% on rents over 5 years.
Additional $400,000 appreciation over 5 years.
*“Class C buildings are the oldest, usually over 20 years of age, located in less attractive areas, and need for maintenance.” β€”
**Proceeds distributed commensurate with seed investment.
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